
纳斯达克:前6个月共进行了69宗IPO 三季度将更强劲
绿专资本 2020年7月17日 10:15:20  阅读量:51110

   纳斯达克证券交易所总裁纳尔逊·格里格斯(Nelson Griggs)表示,随着下半年的到来,预计IPO市场将在7月和8月保持增长势头,因为投资者对市场表现出高度的信心。


  在今年的前六个月中,纳斯达克共进行了69宗IPO。值得注意的是,纳斯达克上半年在医疗保健行业的IPO中占35个,其中包括Royalty Pharma(RPRX),这是按募集资金计算的最大IPO。

  Griggs在接受CNBC采访时说:“我们看到医疗保健IPO大量涌现,而确立的过程就是进行这些IPO的过程。 我们已有了一条良好渠道来应付这个疫情,一旦解决了这切,从测试直到虚拟路演中,我们看到了一些惊人的交易,包括华纳音乐,ZoomInfo,Vroom,它们做得非常好。

  迄今为止,纳斯达克综合指数已上涨近17%,跑赢标准普尔500指数和道琼斯工业平均指数。纳斯达克(Nasdaq)医疗IPO上市主管Jordan Saxe表示,最近生物技术的表现也是市场上的一个亮点,截至7月2日,每个公开上市的生物技术和制药公司的股价均在或以上。

  年初至今,生物制药公司的首次公开募股(IPO)中位数表现较IPO价格高出28%。首次公开募股后的前30天,这一比例为39%。” Saxe最近表示。



  “目前最大的问题之一是许多IPO都计划在周三或周四定价,而我们将在前一周接到电话说:'我们将在一天之内提价,甚至可能两天,因为需求已经存在。”Griggs 说。


  附 原文:

  As the second half of the year gets underway, the IPO market is expected to maintain momentum in July and August as investors show a high degree of confidence in the markets, according to Nelson Griggs, president of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.

  Even as coronavirus cases surge across the U.S., markets continue to rally and IPOs are moving forward as companies seek the public markets ahead of the U.S. Presidential election. The expectation for a strong IPO market this summer builds off the activity in May and June. During the first six months of the year, Nasdaq welcomed 69 IPOs. Notably, Nasdaq dominated healthcare IPOs with 35 in the first half, including Royalty Pharma (RPRX), which was the largest IPO based on proceeds raised.

  “We saw healthcare IPOs get out, and what that established was a process to do these IPOs,” Griggs said during a recent interview on CNBC. “We had a good pipeline heading into the pandemic. Once the process was ironed out, from testing the waters as well as a virtual roadshow, we saw some amazing deals, including Warner Music, ZoomInfo, Vroom, and they have done exceptionally well.”

  To date, the Nasdaq Composite has gained almost 17%, outperforming the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The recent performance of biotech has also been a bright spot in the market, and, as of July 2, every biotechnology and pharmaceutical company that has gone public had priced within or above range, according to Jordan Saxe, Nasdaq’s head of healthcare IPO listings.

  “Year-to-date, the median biopharma IPO performance for the first day is 28% above IPO price. In the first 30 days post-IPO, it’s 39%,” Saxe said recently.

  Saxe revised his target upward to a range of 45 to 50 biotech listings, raising about $9 billion, by the end of 2020.

  As companies prepare for an IPO, they are finding that the switch from in-person to virtual roadshows has worked out well, reaching a broader investor base in a less time-consuming manner, Griggs said. To accommodate these IPOs, Nasdaq has adjusted to a social-distancing environment with remote first trades and virtual bell ceremonies.

  “One of the biggest things that has come up is that a lot of IPOs will be scheduled to price on a Wednesday or Thursday, and we will get a call the week before, saying, ‘We’re going to move it up a day, maybe even two,’ because the demand is already there,” Griggs said.

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