
绿专资本 2020年8月12日 11:56:42  阅读量:51118

   美国西部上市与资本市场部高级副总裁兼总裁杰夫·托马斯(Jeff Thomas)表示,随着收益季节的结束,夏季在纳斯达克IPO的势头会随着医疗保健而继续,尤其是在生命科学,企业软件,电子商务和SPAC中。

  托马斯在最近接受Mergermarket的采访中说,IPO为那些希望减少公开市场的公司提供了一种可行的选择,因为市场动荡减弱,市场从3月份的低点反弹。值得注意的是,纳斯达克(Nasdaq)进入2020年下半年,共有69项IPO,包括迄今为止最大的IPO,Royalty Pharma(RPRX),在纽约证券交易所。

  纳斯达克证券交易所总裁纳尔逊格里格斯(Nelson Griggs)表示,今年早些时候医疗保健公司的IPO帮助建立了在大流行中上市的程序。

  Griggs在接受CNBC采访时说:“我们看到医疗保健IPO大量涌现,而确立的过程就是进行这些IPO的过程。” “一旦解决了这一过程,从虚拟路演开始,我们看到了一些了不起的交易,包括华纳音乐,ZoomInfo,Vroom,它们做得非常好。”




  Summertime IPO Momentum Rolls on with ‘Healthy Pipeline’

  As earnings season winds down, the summertime IPO momentum rolls on with a “healthy pipeline,” particularly in life sciences, enterprise software, e-commerce and SPACs, according to Jeff Thomas, senior vice president and head of Western U.S. Listings and Capital Markets at Nasdaq.

  IPOs presented a viable option for companies looking to tap the public markets as volatility abated and the market rebounded from its lows in March, Thomas said in a recent interview with Mergermarket. Notably, Nasdaq came into the second half of 2020 with 69 IPOs, including the year’s largest IPO to date, Royalty Pharma (RPRX), outpacing the New York Stock Exchange.

  Nelson Griggs, president of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, acknowledged that healthcare IPOs earlier this year helped establish a process to go public amid a pandemic.

  “We saw healthcare IPOs get out, and what that established was a process to do these IPOs,” Griggs said during a recent interview on CNBC. “Once the process was ironed out, from testing the waters as well as a virtual roadshow, we saw some amazing deals, including Warner Music, ZoomInfo, Vroom, and they have done exceptionally well.”

  As Nasdaq welcomes new public offerings, its namesake composite index has continued to climb, closing above 11,000 for the first time on Aug. 6. In the interview with Mergermarket, Thomas acknowledged that the actions by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury, injecting liquidity into the economy, have helped power the markets higher.

  While Thomas expects exchanges to do well through earnings season, later this month, issuers may reassess their strategies as they “get a full look at what COVID did to the broader economy.”

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